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Incumbent Clark County Recorder Debbie Conway has provided award-winning leadership to achieve more than 200 major accomplishments that have increased internal operating efficiencies while ensuring that you receive the best possible service on your next call or visit to the County Recorder's Office.

Improved Access In Person and Online
Among the new improvements, customers now have access to two new branch offices, one in the Northwest; and another at Henderson City Hall; a recording kiosk; as well as an improved website to help you obtain information at your convenience. She recently launched a new fraud notification APP on the Recorder's website to alert the public via email of activities or recordings regarding their properties.

Enhancements Improving Your Next Visit
On your next visit to the County Recorder’s Office, you will have access to services and amenities made possible under Debbie’s leadership.

For starters, you will be served more quickly and receive excellent customer service. The customer wait prior to her administration lasted anywhere from one-to-three hours, now takes an average of 15 minutes or less. You will be served in a remodeled and expanded Public Access area with upgraded computers, access to public Wi-Fi and additional customer seating.

Behind the Scenes
Your new and improved personal experience at the County Recorder’s Office is due, in part, to the numerous operational improvements behind the scenes including the implementation of cutting-edge technology that has won awards from both The National Association of Counties and the National Association of Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks.
More of Debbie’s Team's Major Accomplishments:
  • Created and Implemented a Recording Kiosk
  • Awarded both NACO and NACRC awards for Q-Matic system
  • Implemented online ordering of records
  • Installed new recordation software system
  • Implemented Electronic Recording (e-recording)
  • Upgraded Desktop computers, printers, and monitors
  • Reconfigured Workstations
  • Upgraded to High-Volume, High Capacity Scanners
  • Installed Telephone System to replace ACD
  • Launched the Recorder's Notification Service (RNS)
  • Remodeled and expanded the Public Access Area by also upgrading computers
  • Provided Wi-Fi System Capability for Public Access
  • Lobby Enhancements to provide a work counter and additional seating for customers
  • Installed software to redact personal information on recorded documents
  • Opened two new Branch Offices – shared with the Assessor’s existing office, one in the Northwest and another at Henderson City Hall
  • Improved security measures at offsite warehouse
  • Improved storage measures at offsite warehouse
  • Decreased Returned Document Backlogs from 6 months down to 1-3 days
  • Reduced customer wait time from 1—3 hours to less than 15 minutes
  • Implemented microfilm preservation and digitization projects
  • 2009, Decreased operating budget by approximately 5% during cost containment
  • Improved Signage to better guide customers
  • Installed Q-Matic queue management system
  • Implemented a New Website
  • Developed Recorder’s Advisory Council (RAC)
  • Implemented Employee Task Force to ensure process improvement and increase efficiency
  • Reduced employee over-time in 2008/2009 by 99%
  • Introduced formal RPTT hearings
  • Implemented use of credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express)
  • Established escrow accounts for title companies
  • Established collaborative involvement with the Assessors, Clerk’s, and Treasurer’s offices
  • Participates in Fight Fraud Task Force meetings and workshops
  • Presents workshops to Senior Centers and community groups on search tools available through Recorder’s website
  • Previously Sponsored Matt Kelley Elementary School children with school uniforms, school supplies, Christmas gifts, and other items needed by the children
  • Coordinates training activities for website research for Metro and other government agencies
  • Participated in United Way activities
  • Mentored students from the Summer Business Institute
  • and many more...

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